CIE Indonesia Desk
The CIE Indonesia Desk supports and participates in heritage activities that help to establish and strengthen cultural heritage infrastructure within Indonesia. The desk initiates and supports programmes which are focused on cultural heritage and museum development in Indonesia. We take on a coordinating role both locally and internationally aiming to build up capacity on a much more structured basis and for the long-term.
CIE operates as a coordinator as well as providing consultation on heritage initiatives with Indonesia. We look to promote capacity building within both governmental organisations and non-government sectors through structured and long-term initiatives in order to support the foundations of the cultural heritage infrastructure in Indonesia.
1. Human Resource Development (training, hands-on approaches, workshops, fieldschools etc)
2. Finance Mechanisms (Promoting international standards and best-practices)
3. Institutional Management
4. Documentation and Publication (promoting and disseminating information to the wider public both nationally and internationally to raise awareness on Indonesia's cultural heritage.
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